
Guardians of the Windsword is open to those seeking spiritual growt through the ethical practice of magick in an eclectic Wiccan religious and spiritual context. We are open to new members and accept letters of intent throughout the year (see below).

We periodically offer educational classes and/or rituals and identify additional event that we will be attending and at which we can meet and chat with interested folks. These events are opportunities for us to offer what we know to the community, for us to learn from the community, and for us to get to know others of like mind that might be looking for a working group. Please check our Facebook page for up-to-date announcements.

We will get to experience one another in educational and ritual space, and usually in social space before and after.

Our goal is to present the best of what we know in a way that everyone, whether interested in approaching the coven or not, can walk away with more knowledge, skill, and a good time! All schedules change, however, as life is unpredictable. Please check the calendar of events regularly for updates and read on for more information.

We are accepting letters of intent to join the on an on-going basis and we look forward to meeting you and getting to know you!

After many years of experience, we have come to the following:

We ask that you submit a letter of intent to the HP/HPS that answers:

1) Why are you interested in Wicca?

2) Why would you like to join a coven?

  a. What is a coven to you?

  b. What expectations do you have about being in a coven?

  c. What experience have ou had in covens or other spiritual groups?

  d. What fears/concers do you have abut being in a coven?

4) What attracted you to the Guardians of Windsword, specifically?

5) What questions do you need to be answered before deciding to pursue membership?

6) Are you able to abide the GWS philosophy on Privacy and Confidentiality?

The HP/HPS will meet with you to make sure all is understood and we have answered your questions. If it is a good match, the HP/HPS will share the letter with the coven and let all know ou are interested in getting to know us better.

We ask that you then attend as many of our open events as you can for a minimum of 4 months. This will allow all of us to meet, experience one another in workshop and ritual space and for you to see how we work magick, worship, play... As soon as is reasonable after the 4-month 'get to know you' period, the HP/HPS will schedule an appointment to speak with you. This will be a free-form conversation to share any questions, concerns, fears, or delights that have come up for any of us.

If after submission of your letter of intent, completing the 4 month getting-to-know-you period and the interview with the HP/HPS, you are sill called to join us, the HP/HPS will consult the coven's patron God(s), Goddess(es), and the group mind. If there are no objections from the group mind and/or our patron God(s) and Goddess(es), we will schedule an interview for you with the whole coven.

At this interview everyone will share what they wish to about themselves and will get to ask any remaining questions, concerns, or expectations. After the interview, the coven will discuss your application. If there are no serious objections, you will be welcomed into the group at the next possible opportunity for a good ritual!

We try to make sure that this process takes no more than 6 months, but much of that depends on the applicant. Special arrangements can be made for times when there are not open events scheduled for you to attend.

Of course, not everyone who approaches the coven is a good match for what we offer or able to join for a variety of reasons. If this turns out to be the case, we will work with you to locate a group that is an appropriate match for you and your interests.

We are a coven (working group) within a Wiccan Magickal Tradition. We cannot be, nor do we try to be, all things to all people. But we are happy to try to help you find a match for you, if we do not turn out to be "the one'!

If you want to chat about it before submitting a letter, feel free to call Jim Dickinson (HP) at 302-858-2478.

© Guardians Of Windsword 2020